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Writer's pictureDianne Sutherland

Mini Tutorials for 2023 Botanical Art Online - Extended time and Instagram hashtag

In January this year I launched the new MINI TUTORIALS on the Botanical Art Online website, these tutorial focus on a variety natural history subjects.

The Mini Tutorial Concept

The idea is a simple one - Not everyone wants to undertake a long course and I wanted to include subjects outside of botanical art as well as some of those troublesome subjects in botanical art. Mini Tutorials are available for a limited time and cost £20. Note: There is also a range on other longer tutorials on the website.

Access Extended

Seems quite a few people missed out on the first couple of tutorials, so I'm making the first three available to purchase until the end of May. I've also extended the access to the tutorial materials from 3 months to 8 months..... I know how time flies and despite our best intentions.... it's just so hard to get started sometimes!

Tutorials Available to Date

I kicked off with the Painting a Butterfly tutorial, which also demonstrated how to make artificial vellum, this was followed by Painting Feathers on Paper and Vellum and the current tutorial is the Painting a Nest and Egg on Coloured Paper tutorial. The tutorials include information about the subjects and materials, include colour mixing and techniques with over two hours of video showing the process from start to finish along with photographs of the subjects.

Us the Instagram Hastag

I'm now encouraging those on Instagram to share your painting using the #diannesutherlandpaintingtutorials. Sharing is always good for encouragement to paint and by using the hashtag you can see what others have created.

Tutorials Up Ahead

Coming up for May is the Dandelion clock on coloured paper, I painted a few of these in my coloured paper sketchbook over the last couple of years (as shown) so thought it would be a good one to do seeing as we're into dandelion season.

Up ahead I'll be adding monthly with Roots and Bulbs, which is another exercise on negative space and the contrasting surface of a bulb, then as we move into summer White flowers on Coloured Paper also Fungi on Paper and Lichens, a Fibonacci subject in graphite and Shells. I'm aiming for one each month, so keep an eye on the website.

If you have any suggestions for mini tutorials, please do get in touch

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